Hey Bakin’ It Keto fans!
Happy April Y’all!
Eclipse Excitement is brewing! Perhaps the most significant effect of a solar eclipse on humans is the awe it can inspire!
Fabulous BIK offerings for your 2024 Eclipse Watch Party:
Chocolate Crème Whoopie Pies- Soft kookies baked with rich dark-chocolate cocoa with a luscious sweet cream-cheese filling.
Black & White Kookies- A soft, cake-like cookie with a hint of lemon, smothered in smooth rich frosting. (DF option)
Online ordering is open 24-7 with Keto cottage pick up or local complimentary delivery available on baking days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Please feel free to add any special requests for your order on the online order page.
We will make every attempt to fulfill and provide you with the best customer service experience on the planet.
Keeping Vitality High and Blood Sugars Low…We are Bakin’ It Keto!
Have an Awesome week!
The BIK Team