Hey, Bakin' It Keto Fans!
We know y’all were excited about the H-E-B opening (we were too!) …..but truth be told, we are even more excited to share some H-B-B news!
October 18th marks our 2 year Happy Birthday BIK (H-B-B) and we are celebrating you, our beloved customers, with a super special sampler with your order this week!
All orders that are placed this week will receive a delicious sample box of one of our BIK treats at pick-up.
You don't want to miss this one! Tell your friends, family, coworkers, and anybody else who would absolutely LOVE this special deal!
New offering just in time for your Halloween festivities!
Pumpkin Spiced BIKerdoodles – soft and doodle-sweet with a touch of spice- so good!
We are an all-natural, sugar-free, gluten-free, grain-free Keto cottage bakery with dairy-free options.
Online ordering is open 24-7 with Keto cottage pick up or local complimentary delivery available on baking days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Please feel free to add any order special instructions on the online order page.
We will make absolutely every attempt to fulfill and provide you with the best customer service experience on the planet.
Keeping Vitality high and Blood sugars low…. We are Bakin’ It Keto!
Have an Awesome week!
The BIK Team