National Blueberry Month

National Blueberry Month

 Hey Bakin’ It Keto fans!
Sunny days and Summer fun!
Our BIK team is excited to announce our newly enhanced website which we hope you will find very user friendly. 
Please bear with us for the next  week or so as we may need to work out some newbie sight kinks.
As always, we appreciate our beloved site visitors and hope you love the new format. 
Please contact us with any comments or website issues so we can tackle it head on!
We are celebrating the Blueberries this month.
Rich in antioxidants and an excellent source of vitamin C, K manganese and potassium.
Low in calories with 4.1 grams of total carbs in ¼ cup, blueberries certainly love to bounce into keto recipes!
New seasonal offering:
Blueberry Streusel Muffins-  a scrumptious morning muffin loaded with sweet blueberries topped with a sweet cinnamon streusel. The perfect morning treat!
Please feel free to add any special requests for your order.
We will make every attempt to fulfill and provide you with the best customer service experience on the planet.
Online ordering is open 24-7 with Keto cottage pick up or local complimentary delivery available on baking days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
You work hard and play hard; keeping blood sugars in check.
All sugar, grain, and gluten-free... You deserve the absolute best!
Have a fa-blue-ous week! 
The BIK Team
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