Spring, Spring, Spring

Spring, Spring, Spring

Hey Bakin It Keto Fans!
You know the ole’  saying… March came in like a lion and is going out like a lamb… what beautiful weekend weather!
Thoughts of spring cleaning as we step into National Cleaning Week.
Tidying up the essentials can improve moods, decrease stress  and  usher in creativity.
Treat your-self and your lovelies with BIK deliciousness…
Lemon cupcakes anyone?  Delicious lemon cake topped with a luscious lemon buttercream... Simply delightful!
Online ordering is open 24-7 with Keto cottage pick up or local complimentary delivery available
on baking days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Please feel free to add any special requests for your order on the online order page.
We will make every attempt to fulfill and provide you with the best customer service experience on the planet.
Keeping Spirits High and Blood Sugars Low… we are Bakin’ It Keto!
Have a super productive week!
The BIK Team
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